Programme Notes

15th May 2025

Annual Awards

Jonathan Vaines LRPS CPAGB AFIAP

At the end of each season the Annual Awards look to recognising some of the best work of the year. Members enter their best images in the different classes and a judge is invited to pick out the best ones in each class. The only limitation to entering an image is that it hasn't been used in the Annual Awards before. Across the board the judge then nominates the best print and the best PDI, and finally, the Image of the Year is chosen by the members from these two images. We normally get several hundred entries so the judge assesses them all ahead of the Annual Awards evening. The ones shown on the evening are the best from each class and trophies are presented to the winners. Jonathan Vaines is the EAF Judges Secretary on the EAF Executive Committee and is becoming a regular visitor to CCC.