Season: 2021/22 - PDI1
Judge: Dr Roger Winter
Images scoring 20 points
Boats on the Alde ccc
David Heath
After The Race
Mike Crack - CPAGB
Foodbank Queue
Bas Patel
Nicola Riley
Keith Brown
Under Construction
Greg Keeling
Buff-tailed Bumblebee
Steve Wilkinson
Brian Purdy
The North Atlantic
Colin Birch - CPAGB/AV; DPAGB; LRPS; BPE3*
Divided attention
John Shears
sun rising
Jose Dechamps
Chip No Fish
Bruce Gray - ARPS, DPAGB
Two Figures At Church
Tom Plucinski - CPAGB, LRPS, BPE1*
Southwold Pier
Pauline Drew
Return to Season 2021/22 Index
All images copyright of the Author.