Season: 2023/24 - PDI5
Judge: Harold Mousley (LRPS, AFIAP)
Images scoring 20 points
stormy weather
Gary Woods
Garden-by-the-Bay Singapore
Brigitte Whiteing
Lines on Glass
Brian Purdy
Hyde Hall Glow
Ian Mcdonald - CPAGB, DPAGB
Steve Marriott - CPAGB
Tree View
Brian Purdy
The Eyes Have It
David Bishop
Fantasy Buildings
Andrew Pickess - CPAGB/AV
A Smile in Triplicate
Steve Marriott - CPAGB
Kevin Bishop
Petrified Trees in the Namib Desert
Ian Mcdonald - CPAGB, DPAGB
The Light Catchers
Mike Rose
One Man Nativity
David Heath
Gull Fight
Alec Fraser
Textured Beach
David Purkiss - LRPS, CPAGB
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All images copyright of the Author.