
Please click on the links below to view the FAQ answers.

When and where does the club meet?

We meet on Thursdays 7.30 to 10.00pm September to May

Find us at:

Broomfield Football Club, Mill Lane, Broomfield, Chelmsford, CM1 7BQ

How do I join the club?
You can join the club at any of our Thursday meetings. You are allowed to visit us 3 times before making up your mind whether to join or not.

Does the club accept complete beginners?
Chelmsford Camera Club accepts members of ALL standards from complete beginners to professionals. A camera club is an excellent place for novices to learn. We were all beginners once!

When can I enter competitions?

You can enter competitions as soon as you are a paid up member.

We have competitions for Prints and Digital Projected Images which can be Colour or Monochrome.

We also have the annual Burley Cup for a Panel of 3 Prints and we also hold a Panel of 2 Prints.

New members will normally start at Level 3, although if you are joining us with experience from another club then you can start at Level 2.