
1. Rules that apply to ALL COMPETITIONS.


1.1 Work entered for competitions is at the member's risk

1.2 Members must adhere to the closing date for entries, which will be announced at club meetings and is published on the club website. No entries will be accepted after the closing date for entries.

1.3 The original image or images must have been initiated and produced by the member but prints may be home or trade processed.

1.4 If manipulation is undertaken, this should be the member's own work or carried out according to his/her own instructions.

  • Irrespective of the form of the final image, the copyright of all elements of the final image must be at the member's disposal. This precludes the use of copyright-free material.

1.5 An external judge will be invited to adjudicate all competitions, except for any competitions held during the summer break e.g. PhotoTrek.


Reviewed February 2022