5. Rules - League Competitions.


5.1 There are 3 categories in league competitions.

  • Level 3 - Beginners
  • Level 2 - Advanced
  • Level 1 - Premier

5.2 Members may submit up to 3 prints (any combination of colour or monochrome), or 3 digital images for each league competition and identify their order of preference. The actual number of images used from members in each competition will be at the discretion of the competition secretary, and if preferences are not included on prints, the competition secretary will choose.

5.3 New members will often benefit from competing in Level 3. Members with previous experience in other clubs may, at the discretion of the competition secretary, move directly to Level 2.

5.4 Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 categories will be judged separately in all league competitions. No such distinction will apply for the annual awards, but there will be two trophies for the best Level 3 images, one for prints (Frewin Cup) and one for projected digital images. These will be awarded once only to any one member.

5.5 Entries to league competitions will be awarded a mark out of 20 by the judge.

5.6 5.6 Promotion through the levels is based on marks obtained (see below) but the Committee will consider any serious extenuating circumstances that may otherwise result in demotion.

Number of league Competitions held including themed: 6 5 4
Number of Images to be counted for scoring including Themed: 5 5 4
Points needed to stay in Level 1: 87 87 73
Points needed for promotion to Level 1: 94 94 75
Points needed for promotion to Level 2: 80 80 64

5.7 In any league competition, only the image with the highest mark counts towards the total.

5.8 To help members who may have missed a competition, the highest mark achieved in the Themed competition will also be considered as a league competition mark.

5.9 In a full league season only the 5 highest marks are counted.


Updated June 2024