
2. Rules - Reuse of Images - ALL COMPETITIONS **


2.1 The same, or substantially the same, image scoring 18 or more points or achieving or contributing to a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place is not eligible to be used again in any subsequent competition **.

2.2 Lower scoring images can be entered a second time into any competition ** but not in the same season. This enables a judge's comments to be taken into account for a second entry.

** Rules on reuse apply to all competitions except for AVs, Annual Awards and those held during the summer break, e.g.PhotoTrek. Annual Awards celebrate the successes of the season and the only limitation is that no image may be used in more than one season.


  • The Club would like to encourage its members to expand their photography skills and to introduce greater variety to the Club's competitions.
  • For the enjoyment of the audience and benefit of the club in general, members should avoid using numerous images of similar subjects in similar locations.
  • Images understood as 'similar' would be, for example, those taken at a portrait session (similar lighting, composition and subject), a sporting event or any other topic which offers little variation on the same theme/subject, or where the audience could not clearly identify how the images differ.
  • We kindly ask members to limit submissions of 'similar' images to a maximum of 2 per medium over the year (2 in PDI and 2 in print league competitions). The relevant competition secretary will adjudicate if necessary.

Revised June 2023