Your Name_xxx_n_Lonely Tree.jpg
Where xxx = Level1, Level2 or Level3
Where n = your preference number 1,2 or 3
e.g. Bert Bloggs_Level3_1_Lonely Tree.jpg
Your Name_xxx_n_Lonely Tree.jpg
Where xxx = Themed
Where n = Theme number 1,2 or 3 etc
e.g. Bert Bloggs_Themed_2_Lonely Tree.jpg
Your Name_x_n_Lonely Tree.jpg
Where x = Class Number 1 to 7
Where n = your preference number 1,2,3,4,5 or 6
e.g. Bert Bloggs_2_6_Lonely Tree.jpg
Title of your image can contain the following special characters ' ( ) # . ! & @
Lonely Tree (Latin Term) !.jpg is a perfectly valid Title and Filename