Resizing Images for Competitions


Preparatory: If, when you open your image, you receive a message "Embedded Profile Mismatch": either choose sRGB or just tick Cancel.


(A) Flatten the image:

1. Photoshop: If you have been working in 16 Bits/Channel, go to Image, Mode and tick 8 Bits/Channel.

2. Photoshop or Elements: if your image has more than one layer, go to Layer, Flatten Image.


(B) Resize the image:

Photoshop or Elements:

1. Photoshop - Go to Image, Image Size

 Elements - Go to Image, Resize, Image Size

2 Make sure 'Constrain Proportions' is ticked

3. Make sure 'Resample Image - Bicubic' is ticked

4. The width in pixels should be highlighted (if not, just delete the number in the box).

5. Type 1600 in this width box

6. Is the number of pixels in the height box now larger than 1200?

   No? - just click OK

   Yes? - delete the number in the height box and type in 1200, then click OK.

7. Ignore all numbers in the 'Resolution' box - this is used only for printing.

8. If the new image now looks too small on the screen, this is because it is at a small zoom percentage, but it will fill the screen - double-click the Hand Tool icon or click 'Fit Screen' when Zoom Tool is selected.

9. Save this resized image under a new file name* so as to preserve your original image.

a) * File name to be: Your Name_Category_Order of preference_Title.jpg

 e.g. John Smith_Level1_1_Lone Tree.jpg John Smith_Level1_2_Windmill At Dawn.jpg etc.


(C) Add the black background:


Horizontal images can be uploaded as 1600px by 978px if required
Vertical images can be uploaded as 900px by 1200px if required


(D) Check the colour space:


1. In newer versions of Photoshop go to Edit, Convert to Profile

   In older versions of Photoshop go to Image, Mode, Convert to Profile

2. The Convert to Profile dialogue box appears. The first box down named "Source Space" may show sRGB IEC 61966-2.1 .

3. If it does, you need do nothing: click Cancel.

4. If it does not, click on the down arrow under "Destination Space" and select the sRGB colour space from the drop down menu. Click OK.

5. If you have changed the colour space, you need to save the image again.

Elements 3:

1. Go to Edit, Color Settings: choose Limited Color Management (sRGB), OK

Later Elements:

1. Go to Image, Convert Colour Profile, Apply sRGB Profile.

   If the option is greyed out you don't need to change anything here because sRGB is already selected.

2. If you have changed the colour space, you need to save the image again.


(E) Upload

Upload your images to the clubs website. UPLOAD Now.