Technical - Digital Audio Visual - Audio


You'll need some of the software below, to get, create, edit your soundtrack. Other software is available.


Audacity, free open source audio editing software just as good as Cool Edit, but not quite up to Adobe Audition, but then that does cost around £240 a year. With Audacity you can edit tracks, mix them together, add a commentary etc. etc. and save as MP3 On the Staffordshire AV Site: There is a useful Guide to Audacity for AV Workers

Adobe Audition - This is quite expensive to buy, however v1.0 is all we need for Digital AV, copies can be found for sale on eBay.

Adobe Audition v3 - Get it free here while you can.


Copyright free Music

Visit YouTube for a vast amount of copyright music.

Free music can be obtained via the PTE Forum

Creative Commons music can be found here

The Audio tab of: Project Options has a link to free music



Current legislation extends the protection period to SEVENTY years after the death of the creator and an infringement of its provisions can give rise to legal action. The I.A.C. has negotiated special arrangements with the various licensing bodies allowing the use of both Library music and Commercial recordings in members sound tracks for their video, film, and audio visual presentations. Read all about the laws